
A Letter From Our Founder

Dear Friends of the Arts,

Welcome to The Culture House! We are a nonprofit community arts organization located in Northern California. We believe that everyone has a story to tell, and it is a joy for us to hear the amazing journeys and perspectives of those in our community. 

So, what exactly is a “culture house,” you might ask? The idea of culture houses comes from the model of community arts organizations which flourished in major cities in Europe where people could come together and exchange ideas, pursue artistic hobbies, and enrich the community through the arts. Culture houses were spaces for people who may not have otherwise had access to arts education to learn, grow, and share. 

The Culture House seeks to do just that. Creating a space for people to share their stories, to be in community, and to flourish is at the heart of this organization. Providing scholarships and working with families who might not otherwise have access to fine arts education is important to us, as well as a commitment to excellence and community. We know that such a place cannot exist without a village supporting it in a variety of ways, and so we thank you. Thank you for being a piece of our story. Thank you for giving your time, resources, and energy to this space. Thank you for attending workshops, camps, and classes alongside others here in the community. 

What is The Culture House, really? The Culture House is you! 


Jana Dykhuis, Founder & Director of The Culture House

Our Board of Directors

Jana Dykhuis


Jana Dykhuis thinks that a world with more arts is a beautiful place to live. Creating spaces where all people can share their diverse stories through music, song, dance, painting, poetry, and more is something she is passionate about. With degrees in music and music education, Jana has loved learning alongside people from ages 2 to 92 around the US and beyond, from New Mexico to Michigan, from North Carolina to Indonesia. When she isn’t dancing and singing her way through life, you might find her reading a good book with a delicious snack in hand, in the middle of a creative project, or off on an adventure!

Kevin Adams

Vice President

Kevin Adams is a life-long advocate of the arts, a firsthand participant in theater and choir, and a failed trombonist. In 1991, Kevin and his wife Gerry moved to Northern California to start Granite Springs Church. Under their leadership, the organization has been a benefactor of and inspiration for the arts and artists themselves. Creating spaces for local musicians to write and share music, for children to participate in music and drama camps, for musical groups to perform concerts, and for resident artists to display their artwork alongside pieces from world-renowned artists, like the life-sized replica of Rembrandt’s painting The Return of the Prodigal Son that hangs in the atrium, has been part of their vision from the beginning. Most recently, Kevin’s participation in the arts has been through writing, as author of a number of books. In addition, he often leads retreats, mentors the next generation of leaders, and serves on several boards. Kevin has also taught university and graduate school classes both locally and at other educational institutions around the country. In his free time, you might find him out enjoying nature, traveling, or cheering for the Sacramento Kings.

Elena Bolha


Elena Bolha’s strongest childhood memories include the arts: Beethoven CDs, Impressionism children’s books, her mom’s glass work studio, ballet classes, piano lessons. At her first trip to the symphony, the organization put on an “Instrument Petting Zoo”, where she tried and fell in love with the cello. Now a professional cellist and pedagogue, Elena realizes what a gift it has been to grow up around art. She loves sharing this gift and advocating for quality music education. She has taught in public, charter, and private schools, after-school programs, and maintains a private studio. Although she loves all students equally, she particularly loves supporting future music educators through her research and writing. Elena lives in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada, where she continues to do a little of everything she loves.

Timothy Dykhuis


Timothy Dykhuis is a mechanical engineer with over 5 years of experience working in grant-funded and non-profit businesses in both technical and administrative roles. Growing up with a sister passionate about the arts, Timothy also appreciates the impact that the arts can play in bringing beauty to the world, developing social confidence, and teaching us how to more fully be embodied and human. Currently living in Colorado, Timothy enjoys playing board games with friends, making good food, and spending time outdoors with his wife, Lara, and whoodle, Bramble.

Samantha Born

Board Member

Samantha Born has seen firsthand the impact that art education can have on children and adults alike. Immediately following college, she worked at an international music education company that fostered creativity and expression in learners of all ages. From that moment, Samantha realized that art and music education can transform lives and enrich communities. As a homeschooling parent, Samantha understands firsthand the challenges and rewards of providing a well-rounded education that includes music and the arts. When she’s not learning with her children or at a baseball or soccer practice, you can probably find her at the library, baking bread or spending time in the garden.

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