
Become a Patron of the Arts today!


The Culture House is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and exists in part by the generous financial donations of our members, patrons, and community. Your giving makes the work we do possible; we are extremely grateful for your continued support!

Yearly Donation Tiers:

$50+: Friends of the Arts

$100+: Bronze Patrons

$250+: Silver Patrons

$500+: Gold Patrons

$1000+: Platinum Patrons

$5000+: Emerald Patrons

$10,000+: Diamond Patrons

Donor benefits include advanced notice for events, exclusive donor-only opportunities, sponsor recognition in programs, and more. Please contact us at with any questions. Thank you for your continued support!


Are you interested in volunteering for workshops, events, or classes? Do you have a special skill or gift you’d like to share with the community? 

Volunteer opportunities include ushering for concerts, serving refreshments at showcases, assisting with a workshop or class, or anything you’re passionate about! Contact us for more information today!

Culture House Membership

Why Membership?

One of our core values at The Culture House is community, and membership is the easiest way to plug in.

What Does Membership Include?

Becoming a member allows you to register for a variety of programs and classes. It also provides discounts on workshops, concerts, and special arts opportunities.

How Do I Become a Member?

To become a member, you can sign up for a program and pay through registration (Fall 2024 registration will open in August), or click the link below.

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